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Museums outside of Yekaterinburg

General information
  • Number of places to visit : 3
  • Total route duration : 1 day
  • Type of route : 0
  • Length of the route ~(km) :

There are two interesting museums to the north of Yekaterinburg. In Verkhnyaya Pyshma there is one of the largest museums of military equipment in Russia. In Berezovsky there is a Museum of Gold. In the 18th century, gold mining was started here using a new technology for washing gold sand.

After sightseeing in Yekaterinburg, head to the suburb of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. 3 kilometers from the Ring Road is the entrance to the Museum, created by the UMMC concern. Along the road for 1.5 km, there are expositions of military equipment of different times, as well as retro cars. It will take several hours to see all the exhibits of this museum.

To the northeast of Yekaterinburg, there is another suburb, the city of Berezovsky. Here you can see the Museum of Gold. It is located on the site of the world's oldest continuously operating gold mines.

In the museum, you will learn about the revolutionary invention of the engineer Lev Brusnitsyn, who, while at the mines in Berezovsky in 1814, invented the technology of washing gold-bearing sand. Thanks to this invention, Russia became the largest gold-mining country in the world a few decades later.