General information
  • Number of places to visit : 7
  • Total route duration : 1 day
  • Type of route : 0
  • Length of the route ~(km) :
140 kilometers south of Voronezh, near the village of Liski, is the Divnogorye Museum-Reserve. It is located on the territory of the Divnogorye Nature Reserve. Its territory reaches 17.5 thousand hectares.

The tour to Divnogorye will take you all day. Start your journey in the eponymous village of Divnogorye, near the railway station "143 km". The Big Diva Rocks rise above the railway platform. Next to them, in the same chalk cliffs, is the Church of Our Lady of Sicily.

From the church, climb the plateau and go to the Mayak Fortress. After that, take a walk along the Chalk Canyon. Visit the Archaeological Park and the Pottery Complex. From there you can go to the Divnogorsky Assumption Monastery (distance 2.2 km). Alternatively, you can return to the car and drive to the monastery by car.

The main buildings of the monastery are located at the foot of the chalk cliffs, but some churches are cut directly into the rocks.