General information
  • Number of places to visit : 5
  • Total route duration : 1 day
  • Type of route : 0
  • Length of the route ~(km) :

A walk through the center of Krasnoyarsk should start near the Communal Bridge. Here is the city center and many attractions. Take a walk on the bridge itself; admire the beauty of the mighty Siberian River Yenisei.

On one side of the bridge is the Theater Square. In the evening, there are always many people. Go to the other side. There is a Local History Museum, stylized as an Egyptian temple. Here you can see an interesting exhibition on the history of Siberia.

From the Local History Museum, you can walk along the bank of the Yenisei River to the Museum Center. The distance between them is 1.6 km. There is no embankment here, so it is better to get to the Museum Center by taxi. In the past, the Museum Center was the largest Lenin Museum in Russia. Now you can see other art exhibitions here.

From the Museum Center, take a taxi to the top of the Karaulnaya Mountain. Here is the famous chapel, depicted on paper 10-ruble banknotes. From here, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city.