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Route from Yalta to Belogorsk

General information
  • Number of places to visit : 4
  • Total route duration : 1 day
  • Type of route : 0
  • Length of the route ~(km) :

The city of Belogorsk is located 120 kilometers from Yalta. The journey time will be at least 2 hours, so you need to start the excursion to Belogorsk as early as possible, no later than 8 am, so that you can already be in Belogorsk by 10 am.

Here you will see three sights:

1. Lions Taigan Park
2. White Rock
3. Suvorov oak

1. Lions Taigan Park is one of the most interesting sights of the Crimea. It occupies an area of 30 hectares near the city of Belogorsk. More than 60 lions and tigers from different continents live in this safari park. The landscape of the steppe Crimea is very similar to the African savanna, so the habitat conditions of African lions in the Taigan Park look quite natural. You need to come to Taigan as early as possible to see the lions walking around the enclosure, and even better for feeding. Find out the feeding schedule in Taigan.

2. After Taigan, go to the White Rock. It is located 19 kilometers from the park. The appearance of the White Rock and the landscapes around it are similar to the American prairies and Monument Valley. There are equestrian clubs that can organize horseback rides among these stunning landscapes. There are many chalk mountains in the vicinity of the White Rock, where there are hiking and horseback riding routes

3. Next to the White Rock (3 kilometers away) Suvorov oak grows. Its age is 750 years old, and he witnessed many historical events that took place in the Crimea several centuries ago. You should definitely see the oak tree if you are visiting Belogorsk.