
The gorge of the Adyr-Su River is one of the most beautiful places in the Elbrus National Park. Its length reaches 17 kilometers, and the mountains of the Greater Caucasus Range rise above it. Followers of esoteric teachings believe that there are two Places of Power in the Adyr-Su gorge – the Glade of Desires at the foot of Ullu-Tau Mountain and the Living Lake in the gorge of the Kullumkol River. 

There are several mountains in the Adyr-Su gorge with a height of more than 4 thousand meters. Their peaks are covered with snow all year round.  Since the 1930s, this place has become one of the centers of mountaineering. In 1938, the largest mountaineering camp in the USSR, Dzhaylyk, was built here, which in 1983 destroyed a powerful mudflow. However, the popularity of the Adyr-Su gorge has not decreased. Now it is visited not only by climbers, but also by ordinary tourists to enjoy the beautiful mountain views and visit the famous Caucasian Places of Power. 

Places of Power of the Adyr-Su Gorge  

The trail in the lower part of the Adyr-Su gorge (8 km) passes through a dense pine forest, but as soon as you step out onto a flat plateau, you will have a beautiful view of Ullu-Tau Mountain. The inhabitants of the mountainous Caucasus call the mountain Ullu-Tau: "Mother-Mountain" or "God`s Mountain". They believe that if you come to the foot of Ullu-Tau to the Glade of Desires and ask the mountain for the fulfillment of your innermost desire, then it will definitely come true.  

When people come to the Glade of Desires, they build their small pyramids out of stones. According to the belief, most often women come here who ask the Mother-Mountain for the birth of a child and these desires are fulfilled. A glacier in the form of a lotus flower on the northern slope of Mount Ullu-Tau is clearly visible from the Glade of Desires. The shape of this glacier gives mysticism to the mountain, since in Eastern religions the lotus flower is a symbol of purity and perfection. 

The Living Lake is another Place of Power in the gorge of the Adyr-Su River. It is located in the adjacent gorge of the Kullumkol River, at an altitude of 3240 m. A small lake with emerald-colored water is sandwiched between the moraines of glaciers. There is also a Dead Lake next to the Living Lake.  

People who believe in the power and energy of these lakes believe that first you need to swim in a Dead Lake. It will take away all the negative energy from a person. Then you need to plunge into the waters of the Living Lake to get the new energy of the Universe. The water in the Living Lake is clean and can warm up to 15 degrees in summer, so swimming in it will be pleasant. The dead lake is located at the foot of the glacier. The water in it is dirty and very cold, so bathing in it is at your discretion. 

Routes of the Adyr-Su Gorge 

The distance and logistics in the Gorge of the Adyr-Su River creates several problems for tourists who do not have a car. Usually, you can get to the mountaineering camps in the gorges of the Caucasus by car or taxi. Radial routes along mountain trails are laid around themь. The Adyr-Su Gorge is very long (17 km) and the entrance to it is blocked by a rock where the river has made a narrow Canyon Adyr-Su, but it is not accessible to people. 

In 1968, Russian engineers solved the problem of cars access to the gorge of the Adyr-Su River. They built a lift that lifts cars up the slope at an angle of 45 degrees, to a height of 90 meters. The rock at the beginning of the Adyr-Su gorge is named Doctor`s Pass.  

If you have a personal or rented car, then there is no problem to take it up on the lift and then drive to the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp. If you have no car, then by taxi or public transport you can only get to the lower station of the lift. Further from the upper station, you can order a car at the mountaineering camp (it`s not cheap) or walk up on the lift and walk to the mountaineering camp.  

The Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp is located 11 kilometers from the Doctor`s Pass. The climb over these 11 kilometers is 720 meters (from 1640 m to 2360 m). The road goes through a pine forest. Some believe that this path can be completed in 3 hours, but for most people it will take longer. 

There are two most popular routes in the Gorge of the Adyr-Su River:  

1. From the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp to the Glade of Desires and further to the Mestian hut. The distance from the Mountaineering camp to the Glade of Desires is 3.8 km with a climb of 390 meters (2355 m to 2746 m). If you decide to go further to the Mestian hut, the distance will be 6.2 km with a climb of 845 meters (from 2355 m to 3200 m).  

2. From the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp to the Living Lake. The distance from the Mountaineering camp to the Living Lake will be 6 km with a climb of 915 meters (from 2330 m to 3245 m). The route passes through the picturesque Gorge of the Kullumkol River. Going up to the Living Lake, you will also see the Yunom Glacier. 

It takes a whole day to complete each route, besides, before climbing to an altitude of more than 3000 meters above sea level, it is advisable to plan an acclimatization night in the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp. Alas, but you should not count on comfortable living conditions here. You can put up a tent here or book a room without toilet (it’s outside), but with meals in the local dining room.

Border zone of the Adyr-Su gorge 

Previously, there were two border outposts in the gorge of the Adyr-Su River. This is due to possibility to pass through the passes of the Great Caucasian Ridge from the Adyr-Su Gorge to Georgia. These passes are covered with glaciers and are accessible only to climbers, but the rules of border protection oblige you to get a pass to the border zone.  

In recent years, the border outpost at the Doctor`s Pass has been removed. Now you can walk through most of the Adyr-Su Gorge without getting a pass to the border zone. However, if you want to go to the Glade of Desires, and most tourists come here for this, then you can get a pass from the staff of the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp. To do this, you only need a Russian passport. The pass is issued in a few minutes. For foreign citizens, registration of a pass must be done in advance at the FSB of Russia. 

Photo Gallery
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The Stone of Desires in the valley of the Adyr-Su River at the foot of Ullu-Tau mountain
The widest part of the Gorge of the Adyr-Su River, the Ullu-Tau and the Triangle Mountains rise above it
The rapid flow of the Adyr-Su River at the foot of Ullu-Tau Mountain
Stone pyramids in the Glade of Desires at the foot of Mount Ullu-Tau
The Glade of Desires in the Adyr-Su Gorge stretches for more than a kilometer towards the Sarykolbashi Mountain
The biggest Stone of Desire on the path to the Glade of Desire at the foot of Ullu-Tau Mountain
The Stone of Desires in the gorge of Adyr-Su on the path to the Glade of Desires
Chegettauchana Mountain (4019 m) in the Adyr-Su gorge is covered with snow all year round
Mutton`s Foreheads rocks under the Gumachi Glacier on the eastern slope of Chegettauchana Mountain in the Adyr-Su gorge