
The canyon of the Adyr-Su River is located at the place where the Gorge of the Adyr-Su River connects with the Baksan Gorge. It can be seen on the left side of the lower platform of the lift at the Doctor Pass. Here the river noisily bursts out of a canyon 3-5 meters wide. Above it rises cliffs more than 100 meters high. The length of the narrow gorge of the canyon is about 500 meters.

The Adyr-Su River originates in the Glacier of the same name Adyr-Su, which lies on the slope of Mount Sarykolbashi (4160 m). The river has made a wide gorge 17 kilometers long. Picturesque mountains rise above it, including the Mother-Mountain Ullu-Tau.

However, the exit from the Adyr-Su Gorge to the Baksan Gorge is blocked by a rock about 200 meters high. In this rock, the Adyr-Su River has made a very narrow canyon. It is completely impassable for humans, so you can only see it from the Baksan Gorge. 

After taking the lift to the top of the Doctor`s Pass, you can also go down to the right of the upper platform to look at the canyon of the Adyr-Su River from above. There are small areas on the edge of the cliff, but the canyon is so narrow that the rocks close from above and the Adyr-Su River is not visible. From here you can see the upper part of the waterfall in the canyon of the Adyr-Su River, but the lower part of the waterfall is hidden by rocks.