
Chegettauchana Mountain (height 4019 m) is the closest mountain to the Ullu-Tau mountaineering camp with a year-round snow cover. Other snow-capped peaks (Ullu-Tau and Sarykolbashi) are further into the gorge. The relief of the Chegettauchana Mountain looks as beautiful as the Ullu-Tau Mountains. 

The Garvash Glacier lies on the western slope of the Chegettauchana Mountain. At the foot of the mountain flows the river Adyr-Su, which originates from the Glacier Adyr-Su. Mountain rivers with waterfalls flow along the slopes of the mountain, flowing into the Adyr-Su River. 

On the right side of the Chegettauchana mountain raises Mount Gumachi (3797 m). The Gumachi Glacier is located between them. It looks very beautiful from the side of the Adyr-Su gorge, as rocks called "Mutton`s foreheads" descend to the river. There are such rocks on many glaciers. They appeared millions of years ago when glacial masses pushed down parts of the mountains and polished them.  

The route to the Mutton`s Foreheads of the Gumachi Glacier at the foot of the Chegettauchana Mountain is very popular. Its length from the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp is only 2 kilometers. It is necessary to cross the river on the bridge near the mountaineering camp and then go in the direction of the Mutton`s Foreheads. There is practically no climb on most of the route. It begins only at the final segment at the glacier. Here you will see the beautiful Gumachi Waterfall, 20 meters high.