
The gorge of the Kullumkol River is the second most popular route from the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp. All people, coming to the Adyr-Su gorge, go to the Glade of Desires at the foot of Ullu-Tau Mountain. However, if you have another full day, then you definitely need to climb to the upper reaches of the Kullumkol River Gorge in the Living Lake. 

The distance from the Ullu-Tau Mountaineering camp to the Living Lake, the main attraction of the Kullumkol River gorge, reaches 6 kilometers. The climb is 900 meters - from 2330 meters to 3245 meters. This route is accessible not only for climbers, but also for ordinary people. However, good physical shape is necessary, since the clime for such a short distance is very significant. In addition, before climbing to a height of more than 3 thousand meters, a night of acclimatization in the Ullu-Tau mountaineering camp is desirable. 

At the entrance to the gorge of the Kullumkol River are the ruins of the Dzhaylyk mountaineering camp, which in 1983 was destroyed by a mudslide that descended from the Yunom Glacier. From this mudslide there was a huge stone run, similar to the Big Stone River in Taganay.  

In the lower reaches of the river there is a small bridge that allows you to cross the Kullumkol River. After that, most of the route runs along the right bank of the river. Mountain streams and small rivers flow into the Kullumkol River in several places. During the period of intense melting of glaciers, these small rivers and the Kullumkol River itself will have to be forded more than once. If glaciers are not actively melting, then they can easily be crossed over stones.  

Entering the Gorge of the Kullumkol River, on the right side you will see the Winter Peak (3466 m), and on the left side is the Termenbashi Mountain (3921 m). A pine forest grows at the entrance to the gorge, but it is quickly replaced by dwarf birches and shrubs. There are a lot of flowers here in summer.  

Climbing higher along the gorge of the Kullumkol River, the trail turns behind the Winter Peak and here you can see only grass. The climb in this place is very fast, so the grass ends soon. Next, you will walk along the rocks and moraines of retreating glaciers. On the right side of the gorge you can see the rocky ridge of the Dragon`s Tail. It starts near Mount Dzhailyk and descends for several kilometers. 

The upper reaches of the Kullumkol River gorge are no less picturesque than the lower part. On the right side you will see one of the tongues of the Yunom Glacier, which hangs on the almost vertical northern slope between Mount Chemist and Mount Ozernaya.  

At its foot is a Dead Lake. The water is dirty enough, and it is hardly possible to swim in it. If, according to legend, you decide to swim in a Dead Lake before swimming in a Living Lake, then you need to ford the Kullumkol River. In this place, it is quite full of water at any time of the year, but it is not a problem to cross it. 

The distance from the Dead Lake to the Living Lake reaches 1.3 kilometers, with a climb of 200 meters. Climbing up the stone run, you will see the main part of the Yunom Glacier. It lies on the slopes between the mountains of Kichkidarbashi (4269 m) and Yunomkara (4225 m). And between the two moraines of the glacier, you will see the main attraction of the Kullumkol River Gorge – a Living Lake with emerald-colored water. According to the same legend, people, having bathed in a Living lake, receive new strength and energy from the Universe.