
Meshchera National Park is located east of the city of Gus-Khrustalny, 90 km south of Vladimir. This is a world of impenetrable swamps, forests, lakes and rivers, where several ecological trails have been created. Here you can see the beauty of the Russian nature of the middle zone. The nature protection in the park allows to preserve the ecosystem of the swampy lowlands.

The Meshchera National Park in the Vladimir region was established in 1992. Its area reaches more than 120 thousand hectares. In the same year, another National Park, Meshchersky, was created in the north of the Ryazan region. However, the ecosystem of these two parks is a single whole, so in 2016 they were united, and now it is called "Meshchera".

The Meshchera lowland is an extensive wooded lowland on the territory of the Vladimir, Ryazan and Moscow regions. Its total area is 210 by 190 kilometers. Since ancient times, the Meshchera people, who belonged to the Fino-Ugor tribe, lived here.

During the Middle Ages, roads were only between the largest cities. By the 14th century, an extensive network of roads had been created. They were laid even in hard-to-reach places. The old Ryazan road connecting Vladimir and Ryazan passed through the Meshchra lands. The length of this road was 75 kilometers, and 30 kilometers between the Pol and Buzha rivers passed in an absolutely desolated area among swamps and forests.

It is not difficult to imagine how much people were afraid to travel along this road. Fairy tales about goblins and mermen seemed to be a reality in these places. The "Robber Nightingale" from folklore also lived in these places on the road near Murom. In general, the Meshchera National Park is of interest to nature lovers and Russian fairy tales.

The old Ryazan road, skirting the most swampy areas, crossed the Pol River in four places. The piles of one of the wooden bridges have been preserved near the village of Erlex. There are two of the easiest ecological trails that are made in the Meshchera National Park.

The village of Erlex is located 20 kilometers west of the town of Gus-Khrustalny. You can come here by the road laid to the village of Urshelsky. About 10 kilometers of this road passes through the Gusevsky swamp. The road among the swamp is quite narrow and there is no convenient parking on the roadsides.

The ecological trial "Road to the Temple" stretches from the auto road to the village of Erlex, where the Church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1825. Now it seems strange that such a large church was built among the swamps, but at the beginning of the 19th century, the village of Erlex was one of the main postal stations on the busy Ryazan Road. The length of the ecological trail to the temple is 1.5 km.

The second trial starts 800 meters from the turnoff to the village of Erlex and is called "Along the ancient Ryazan Road". On this trail you will come to the Pol River, where the piles of the old bridge have been preserved. The river overflows here into a small lake, and in the distance, you can see the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Erlex. Then you can walk through the forest along the riverbed of the Pol.

The third ecological trail is located in the village of Tasinsky. It starts near the Russian Courtyard Museum and most of the trail is equipped with wooden flooring. This is a 3 km long circular route that runs through the forest. Wooden sculptures of Russian folklore characters are installed along the way.

The fourth ecological trail is the most difficult to access. It is called "Journey into the world of the Meshchera swamps". Its length is 6.5 kilometers. To get on this trail, you need to park at the beginning of the trail "Along the ancient Ryazan road", cross the road and go south for several hundred meters. This trail passes through the Sergeyevo swamp.

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The Pra River is the largest waterway in the Meshchera National Park
The Meshchera National Park art object is located on the road where the trek into the world of the Meshchera swamps begins
Piles of the 19th century bridge over the Pol River on the trail Along the ancient Ryazan road in the Meshchera National Park
Pine trees on the banks of the Pra River on the Paustovsky Trail near the Cordon 273
Paustovsky pathway in a dense pine forest in the Meshchera National Park
The Pol River near the village of Erlex, where the pathway Trek into the world of Meshchera swamps begins
Thickets of lupinus among birch trees growing in the swamps of the Meshchera National Park
The Pra River, like all rivers and lakes in the Meshchera National Park, has a brown color due to peat
A huge anthill on the Nature Reserve pathway in the Meshchera National Park
The beginning of the Meschera Forest World trail near the village of Tasinsky
The Russian Farmstead Museum in the Meshchera National Park is located in the village of Tasinsky
The swampy bank of the Pol River and the Trinity Church of the village of Erlex in the Meschera National Park
The height of the bell tower of the Trinity Church in the village of Erlex reaches 75 meters
Water lilies in small backwaters of the Pol River on the trail along the Ancient Ryazan Road in the Meshchera National Park
The Pra River near Cordon 273 in the Meshchera National Park
There are many lilies of the valley growing in the forest near Cordon 273 on the Paustovsky pathway in Meshchera
The house of forester Alexei Zheltov at Cordon 273 on the Paustovsky pathway in the Meshchera National Park
The backwater of the Pra River, which is visible from the Paustovsky Trail in Meshchera
Lilies of the valley growing along the pathway the Trek into the world of Meshchera swamps
The bend of the Pra River in the village of Zavodskaya Sloboda on the territory of the Meshchera National Park
The most protected area of the Meshchera National Park is located in the village of Zavodskaya Sloboda across the Pra River
A small sandy beach in the bend of the Pra River in the village of Zavodskaya Sloboda
Thickets of lilies of the valley on the Nature Reserve trail in the Meschera National Park
Thickets of ferns on the Nature Reserve trail in the Meshchera National Park
Swampy area on the Meshchera Forest World trail
Characters from children`s fairy tales on the Meshchera Forest World trail
Entrance to the Russian Farmstead Museum in the village of Tasinsky
In the Russian Farmstead Museum in the village of Tasinsky, you can see houses and buildings from the Kievan Rus era
The water in the Pol River flowing in the Meshchera National Park has a brown color
There are signs for tourists on trekking trails in the Meshchera National Park
Near the village of Erlex, the Pol River overflowed into a small lake completely overgrown with reeds and willow
Small backwaters gradually turning into swamps on the trail Along the Ancient Ryazan road in Meshchera
The Pol River on the route along the old Ryazan road in the Meshchera National Park
Pathway Trek into the world of Meshchera swamps and camp No. 10