
The Meshchera Protected Nature hiking trail is located near the village of Fomino, 15 km from the town of Spas Klepiki. Its length is 2 kilometers, and it runs in a pine forest. Here you can see coniferous and mixed forests typical of Meshchera, huge anthills and many birds. 

The Trail Protected Nature is one of the most accessible in the Meshchera National Park. 10 km from Spas Klepiki, you need to turn off the Big Ryazanskoe Ring Road towards the village of Fomino. The beginning of the trail is 2 km from the turn. Part of the trail runs along a road that leads to the wetlands of Lake Kamgar. Then you need to turn left and go back along the dense pine forest. 

There are stands along the Meshchera Protected Nature trail where you can read information about the flora and fauna of the National Park. Part of the trail passes by a birch forest. Lilies of the valley bloom here in spring. In some places you can see anthills. The height of some of them exceeds 1 meter.