
The abandoned village of Old Kahib is one of the most interesting historical sights of Dagestan. Ruins of houses and battle towers are located on rocky mountain cliffs. They look very picturesque. Nearby is the equally famous abandoned village of Old Goor. During the tour, it is necessary to visit both villages.

The settlement on the site of the Old Kahib appeared in ancient times. It was very convenient for defense against enemies. There is enough space on the mountain slopes to build houses. As in most of the old villages of Dagestan, the houses in the Old Kahib were located on different levels. The roof of one house was a courtyard for another house. The village of Old Kahib is separated from the land by a deep gorge of the Kahibtyar River.  There was only one bridge that could be crossed.

Archaeologists believe that the first settlements here originated in the Bronze Age. Kahib is mentioned in the works of historians of Arab countries, as is the village of Gamsutl, located in the Andalal valley. The battle towers of the Old Kahib were built in the 8th-10th centuries. The towers of the Old Goor nearby were built much later – in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The ruins of stone houses almost merge with the picturesque mountain slope, but the towers on the cliffs of the gorge look very impressive.  Three of the five battle towers have survived to this day. The tallest tower is located near the ruins of the mosque. Its height reaches 20 meters. Several stone slabs with runic symbols can be seen in and around the Mosque.

The height above sea level of the mountain slope, where the Old Kahib is located, is 1775 meters. The village of Old Goor is located higher, but access to it is easier, so this village was smaller.  The old Kahib is located on three different slopes of the mountain, so there were actually three villages here. In the Middle Ages they were called Bakdab.

In the late Middle Ages, the village became one of the most populated in Dagestan, it had more than 350 courtyards. Despite the inaccessibility, crafts flourished here. Edged weapons and leather goods were made in the village. At the end of the 19th century, the danger of enemy attacks disappeared, so the need to live in such a remote place disappeared.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, people began to move to the valley at the foot of the Old Kahib, where the village of New Kahib appeared. It is much easier to conduct economic activities, graze cattle and engage in agriculture in the valley. Mass resettlement began after the WWII. By 1970, the village of Old Kahib was deserted, but the picturesque ruins have survived to this day. Now they have become a historical landmark of Dagestan.

The road to the villages of Old Goor and Old Kahib runs along the valley of the Avar Koisu River. On the way, you can make a short stop to visit the 10th century Datuna Temple. Previously, the paved road was only in the river valley. People had to climb up a dirt road and a very difficult serpentine. In 2020, a convenient asphalt road was laid to New Kahib, so you can drive here by any car. The villages of Gunib and Hunzakh, where there are many guest houses, are located closest to the villages of Old Goor and Old Kahib.

Usually tourists first visit the village of Old Goor, as its Troll Tongues are more well known. Many tourists visit only Old Goor, but we strongly recommend that you plan a visit to Old Kahib as well. If you are driving your car, it is better to leave it near the entrance to New Kahib and then walk.

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Ruins of houses and battle towers of the village of Old Kahib on a mountain slope
The battle towers of the village of Old Kahib on steep cliffs were built in the 8th-10th centuries
The houses in Old Kahib were located on different levels. The roof of one house was a courtyard for another house
The ruins of the mosque and the tallest battle tower of the village of Old Kahib
The village of Old Kahib is separated from the land by the deep gorge of the Kahibtyar River
View of the village of Old Kahib from the bottom of the gorge of the Kahibtyar river
Stones with Arabic script and runic symbols among the ruins of the village of Old Kahib
Stones with Arabic script and runic symbols among the ruins of the village of Old Kahib
The ruins of the stone houses of the village of Old Kahib merge with the mountain slopes