
Nevyansk History and Architecture Museum is located near the Leaning Tower, in the building of the former power plant of the Demidov ironwork. There you can get acquainted with the history of the development of the metallurgical industry in the Urals, in the lands of the Demidov family.

In 1702 Peter I granted a charter of ownership of the local lands to an entrepreneur Nikita Demidov of Tula. Before 1725, in addition to the first ironwork in Nevyansk, the Demidov built 4 more metallurgical plants and founded several towns in the Urals. In 1726 Nikita Demidov was ennobled.

The lands of the Demidov family became a «state within a state» with their own laws, army, court and administration. It was rumored that in the dungeons of the Leaning Tower of Nevyansk the Demidov even minted silver coins, although the royal commissions could find no evidence for this.

Several museum expositions are devoted to the descendants of Nikita Demidov, as well as to the history of Nevyansk in 19 century. Metallurgical plants were the basis of the regional economy but crafts and agriculture developed there as well. 

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The Historical Museum of Nevyansk is located in the building of the former powerhouse of the Demidov iron works factory
The powerhouse building of the Demidov`s iron works in Nevyansk was located next to the Leaning Tower
Painting in the historical Museum of Nevyansk how the town looked liked in Nikita Demidov time
Nikita Demidov`s metallurgical furnace and plant in Nevyansk, in the historical Museum of Nevyansk
Exhibits of the Nevyansk historical Museum on the history of the metallurgical industry in the Urals, in the Demidovs` possessions
Plan of Nikita Demidov`s Iron works in the early 18th century, in the Historical Museum of Nevyansk
In 1702, Peter I gave the Tula manufacturer Nikita Demidov a certificate of ownership of land in Nevyansk, in the historical Museum of Nevyansk
Expositions in the historical Museum of Nevyansk dedicated to the descendants of Nikita Demidov
Expositions in the historical Museum of Nevyansk dedicated to the descendants of Nikita Demidov