
Near the Amphitheater on Mount Vottovaara, there are the main piles of stones. In many places, near the Amphitheater, you can see numerous splits of stones. On Vottovaara, they are sometimes called "saw cut". 

If the stone has a perfectly smooth split, then this can be explained by the properties of quartzite. This stone can break along a perfectly straight line. However, on Mount Vottovaara, the stones do not split just along a perfectly flat line. Here you can see groups of stones that have perfectly even splits along the same line and at the same angle. They stand side by side, but separately from each other. The split line of several stones can be traced for several tens of meters. 

Adherents of the theories of extraterrestrial life suggest that there were aliens who "cut the stones with a laser beam". This can be taken lightly, however, to understand how amazing this phenomenon is, you must be on Vottovaara. Photos do not convey the scale of these saw cut. 

The scientific explanation of these splits suggests that they occurred during the glaciation era. At first, the mass of the glacier crushed the quartzite plates. Then the glacier retreated and the quartzite slabs rose up. At first, uniform pressure was exerted on the quartzite plates from above, and then from below. So they split along perfectly even lines. 

The most famous split stone is the seid-megalith Ukko`s Head. Its height reaches 5 meters, and its weight exceeds 30 tons. From the front side, you can see that it is split in half along a perfectly straight line. However, it can be seen from below that the split line in some places has a natural appearance, so the laser beam of aliens has nothing to do with it.