
The full-flowing river Vulan flows in the Western side of the village of Arkhipo-Osipovka, at the foot of mount Camel. The river is full-flowing, so the locals here swim on boats and small yachts, ride tourists. There are platforms for fishing along the shore.

The sources of the Vulan river are located 30 kilometers from Arkhipo-Osipovka, in the mountains of the Main Caucasus range, on the Vulan pass. In Arkhipo-Osipovka, the color of the water in the river becomes greenish, but the water remains very clean and quite suitable for swimming. The mouth of the Vulan river narrows at its confluence with the Black sea. There is a beach that allows people to swim in both warm seawater and fresh cold water of a mountain river.

On the right Bank of the Vulan river, four kilometers from Arkhipo-Osipovka, during an archaeological expedition, the ruins of a Roman tower were discovered. It was built in 54 ad, during the reign of the Emperor Nero. From the tower itself, almost nothing remains, except a large number of stones from the masonry, but during the excavations, many household items of Roman legionaries were found, therefore a small archaeological Museum was created near the tower.