
Along with the Charles Bridge, the Church of Mother of God before Týn or just the Týnski Temple is one of the most recognizable sights of Prague. Its towers topped with beautiful spires rises above the Old Town Square but the monumental church building stands behind modern houses.

Construction of the present church began in the 14th century. But the last tower was completed only by 1511. This area was once occupied by a Romanesque church. The construction was mainly influenced by a gifted German architect Peter Parler. 

For several centuries the Týnski Temple belonged to the Czech Hussite Church and then it again became a Catholic church. It was built in the Gothic style with the elements of baroque. The towers reach the height of 70 meters and have a varying width. The nave is 52 meters long.

You should also see the interior of the church. There are 19 altars devoted to different saints in the church. Pictures of Yaroslav Chermak, a Czech painter, are on the walls of the church. The sacred things of the church are the well-known Gothic statue of Madonna with baby Jesus, the so called Madonna of Týn, the ancient tin Gothic baptismal font from 1414 decorated with reliefs of the apostles. By all means you should see and listen to the music of the church organ. It is the oldest organ in Prague (17 century). There are over 60 tombstones of known people on the floor of the church.