
Krasnodar is a capital of the Kuban. It is a major cultural center in the south of Russia. It is along the highway from Moscow to Sochi, 120 kilometers from the Black Sea. There are many interesting sights, museums and parks in the center of the city.

Formerly, Krasnodar was called Yekaterinodar, which literally means the «gift of Catherine». It was founded in 1793, a year after Empress Catherine signed the deed of gift by which the Kuban Cossacks obtained possession in perpetuity of the Kuban lands from the river Kuban to the Azov Sea. These lands were included in Russia in 1783, after the victory over the Crimean Khanate and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.

In the first years after its foundation Krasnodar was but a fortress, but its population rapidly grew and in 19 century Yekaterinodar became one of the largest cities in the south of Russia. 

The main sights of Krasnodar are within a walking distance from the Catherine’s Square. It is near the Host Cathedral, the St. Catherine’s Cathedral and the Fine Arts Museum. 

By all means should you have a walk from the Theatre Square and on along Alexander Boulevard shaded by giant plane-trees, as well as see the Tsar`s Gate and the monument of St. Catherine. Two most beautiful city parks are not far from the Catherine’s Square: the 30th Anniversary of the Victory Park and the City Garden. 

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The sculpture of St. Catherine - holy patroness of Krasnodar
The monument to Catherine II was installed in the Catherine Park in 1907
The fountain in front of the Local Legislative Assembly in the Catherine Park in Krasnodar
Galitsky Park in Krasnodar is called one of the best landscape parks in Russia
Domes the Military Cathedral of the Catherine Park in Krasnodar
View to the Army Cathedral of Krasnodar of the Catherine Park side
St. Catherine Cathedral in Krasnodar was built in 1914
A small backwater of the Kuban river that separates the Park 30th anniversary of Victory in Krasnodar
Plants and trees in the Galitsky Park in Krasnodar are planted on different levels