
The old port of Kyrenia is surrounded by a maze of narrow streets of the old town. Kyrenia is usually visited with a tour of the Castle of St. Hilarion and the Kyrenian Castle. After that, tourists visit Bellapais Abbey. To finish the day, it is best to have dinner in one of the restaurants that are located in a continuous line in the old harbor. 

The settlement on the site of the old port of Kyrenia appeared during the Neolithic period, and the polis was founded by the ancient Greeks in the first millennium BC. Then it was ruled by the Romans and the Byzantines, until in 1187 the Lusignan dynasty began to rule Cyprus. 

Under the Lusignans, the old port of Kyrenia was most actively used. At the entrance to the harbor, a powerful Kyrenian castle was built, which formed the appearance of the port of Kyrenia. Not far from the castle there is an Ottoman cemetery.