
Along with the Western Wall, Zion Mount is the most important place for the Jew from all over the world. This is a peculiar symbol of Judaism, and a political movement, which aim is to revive Israel, was given the name of Zionism.

Zion Mount is near the southern slope of the Temple Mount. German Emperor (keiser) Wilhelm II built the Church of the Assumption Day (Dormition in Latin) at the beginning of 20 century. The basilica was built by the model of German churches of Roman architectural style. Near the church you can see several monastery buildings, a tall bell tower and a necropolis. The most sacred place of the monastery is a subterranean crypt where it is said the Virgin Mary fell asleep forever (died). Her figure was made of wood and ebony.

At the walls of the Dormition you can see a sculpture of King David singing psalms and several meters away there is a house with the cenotaph (empty tomb) of King David. It is said that the true tomb of King David is hereabout but wasn’t discovered yet. The marble sarcophagus of David is draped with red cloth, and over it there are 22 crowns of Torah symbolizing all the kings of Israel. Nearby the Chamber of Holocaust (a small memorial in memory of the Jews killed by Nazis during the World War II) is located. It is just this tomb that Israel soldiers visit before going to the military service.

The Chamber of the Last Supper is above the Tomb of David. In the Gospel According to St. Luke it is said as follows: “Jesus said to them: when you enter the town you will meet a man with a jug of water; you follow him to the house he will enter and you will say to the host of the house: Teacher says to you: where is the chamber where I can eat Easter cake with my disciples? And he will show you a big chamber; there you will prepare the meal.”

This place can be considered as the first church, since it is just there that the Mystery of the Eucharist took place, which became the foundation of the Christian service. Later the apostles gathered there more than once and many of the events described in the Bible happened just there.

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Zion Mount as viewed from the Olive Mount
The Room of Last Supper on Zion Mount in Jerusalem
Basilica and bell tower of the Benedictine Dormition Abbey on Zion Mount in Jerusalem
The figure of king David at the wall of Dormition Abbey on Zion Mount in Jerusalem
German emperor Wilhelm II had the Assumption Basilica built at the Dormition Abbey at the begining of 20 century
The walls of the Dormition Abbey on Zion Mount in Jerusalem
The walls of the Dormition Abbey on Zion Mount in Jerusalem
The entrance of Assumption Church on Zion Mount
The main altar of Assumption Church on Zion Mount