
Chaliapin grotto is located on the Golitsyn Trail, which begins on the Embankment of Novy Svet, and ends near the Juniper Grove. There is no reliable evidence that Chaliapin sang in this grotto, but it is certain that Duke Lev Golitsyn set tables for guests in this grotto and treated them to champagne, that`s why grotto used to be called Golitsyn`s Grotto. 

The resort village of Novy Svet is known for its three bays: Green, Blue and Azure. They are located among the rocky mountains, which are coral reefs of the prehistoric Tethys Ocean. Its waters covered these lands in the Mesozoic era, about 200 million years ago. The same reef is the massive Sokol Mountain. Its pyramidal peak rises above the Novy Svet from the east.  

Chaliapin grotto is located in Mount Koba-Kaya. If you go further along the Golitsyn Trail, then there will be Cape Kapchik and Mount Koraul-Oba. Between them is the Azure Bay and the Royal Beach. All these three mountains are also coral reefs of the ancient Tethys Ocean. Their slopes descend directly into the sea. 

Waves have been knocking out Chaliapin`s Grotto in the thickness of Mount Koba-Kaya for millions of years. It has a sloping ceiling, and the stones in the bay cover it from the sea surf. The maximum height of the grotto reaches 30 meters, and the width is 20 meters. In the Middle Ages, the Byzantines built a small temple here. The ruins of this temple are still visible in the depths of the Chaliapin Grotto, and Christian frescoes were preserved on the wall of the grotto until the 19th century.  

The grotto is always cool, even on a hot day, so Golitsyn used it to receive guests. He set tables here, treated sparkling wine and arranged chamber concerts. 

In 1912, Emperor Nicholas II and his family visited Golitsyn`s House and his Champagne Winery in Novy Svet. For his visit, Golitsyn arranged a wine cellar in the Grotto. He equipped niches for storing champagne here, which have survived to this day. 
Chaliapin grotto is called after the famous Russian singer thanks to the legend that Chaliapin picked up a glass of champagne and sang in this grotto. The excellent acoustics allowed him to take such a high note that a glass of champagne burst in his hand.

But this is nothing more than a legend. Chaliapin has been to Crimea many times. He went on vacation to Gurzuf and performed concerts in Yalta and Foros, however, there is no confirmation that he visited Novy Svet and sang here