
The Embankment of Novy Svet stretches along the Central Beach for 500 meters. The village of Novy Svet is located in the Green Bay. All the necessary infrastructure for comfortable bathing and recreation has been created here. Along the embankment there are various cafes, as well as small hotels. Noisy parties are not held on the Embankment of Novy Svet.

Novy Svet and Sudak are resorts in the Crimea, where reef rocks approach directly to the sea. Some of them, for example, Cape Kapchik and Mount Karaul-Oba, are swirled in seawater. This creates a very picturesque coastline in the resort of Novy Svet. There are three bays in Novy Svet: Green, Blue and Azure. The coastline of the Green Bay is the longest, so the village was built there. 

The green Bay has an azure water color. It is protected by reef rocks, the water here warms up better than in the neighboring Sudak. In addition to the Central Beach, which stretches along the Embankment of Novy Svet, there are two other small beaches in the village. They are located behind the pier of excursion ships, to the east of the Embankment. Some call this beach "Behind the pier", in other guidebooks this beach has a more romantic name "Bay of Love". The pyramidal peak of Mount Sokol looms over this beach. It is called one of the most beautiful reef mountains preserved in the Crimea from the ancient Tethys Ocean.