
The building of the State Historical Museum is on the northern side of the Red Square, opposite St. Basil`s Cathedral. It is the largest national museum of Russian history and culture, its exhibitions covering all periods in the history of Russia, from ancient times to 20 century. 

Emperor Alexander III issued the order on the foundation of the museum on February, 21 1872. The construction of the museum was commissioned to the well-known architects V. O. Sherwood and A. A. Semenov. The interior finish was also commissioned to the famous painters of the period, such as Aiwasowski, Vasnetsov, Repin and Korovin.

The ceremonial opening of the museum took place on May, 27 1883. All visitors enter the museum through the main seni, with its wall and ceiling decorated by the genealogical tree of Russian princes and tzars, from the first ancient Russian princes to the tzars and emperors of the Russian Empire.  

A great number of exhibits (over 4,5 million) was gathered in 39 halls of the museum. The halls are arranged in a chronological order. In the first halls you can see the artifacts brought from the diggings of the early man sites, which were conducted on the territory of Russia. Then you can have a look at the exhibits of the Bronze Age (dolmens, idols and cult objects) and the early period of the ancient Russian state.

Separate halls are assigned for an interesting exposition of articles and decorations from gold and precious stones. The exposition contains many decorations, crowns and cult objects, coins, orders and the other curious exhibits.

Each hall is devoted to a separate period in the history of the Russian state. Many exhibits are related with the outstanding historical events: the Battle of the Ice, the Mongol invasion and the Time of Troubles. There you can see the weapons and armour of warriors, objects of religious cult and many other things. In the halls of the first floor there were gathered the exhibits belonging to the period of the Russian Empire, from the reign of Peter I to the beginning of 20 century. 

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The building of the State Historical Museum was built on Red Square in 1883
The facade of the State Historical Museum facing Red Square
The main seni of the State Historical Museum with the genealogical tree of Russian tzars on the ceiling
The Historical Museum as viewed from the Manege Square 
The main seni of the State Historical Museum with the traditional Russian paintings
The golden crowns of the Russian tzars and the kings of princedoms, which were included in the Russian Empire
The golden crown at the State Historical Museum
A gospel in the golden setting (1772) and two marks from the tomb of St. Paphnutius of Borov (1673)
The icon «Festivities» (1760) and a gospel in the golden setting (1760) 
The golden pitcher of the Sasanian Empire (3 century A.D.) at the Historical Museum
The marble sarcophagus (4 century B.C.) found near the Tamanskaya stanitsa of Krasnodar Territory
A hall furnished in the style of the tsar`s chambers of 15 century at the Historical Museum
A shrine from a Moscow cathedral at the Historical Museum
Historical scenes on the shrine
The sledge coach of Prince Menshikov at the Historical Museum
The coach of Emperor Paul I at the Historical Museum
Objects from the Scythian hoards
Ancient books at the Historical Museum
A church door with copper embossed Biblical scenes
A church door finished with the help of now lost metal etching technology
A boat made of a whole oak trunk with stone axes found in the Voronezh Region
A children coach (1647) at the Historical Museum
A fancy sledge, the beginning of 17 century
An icon of 18 century at the Historical Museum
The antiquity hall at the Historical Museum