
The Secret Paths of Kalevala Land Park is located on the road from the Grand Marble Canyon to the Italian Quarry. Tickets to this park must be purchased separately. Its territory is small, but it is of some interest. 

The Finnish epic Kalevala was written by the writer Elias Lennroth in the mid-19th century. For a long time, he traveled through the lands near Lake Ladoga and recorded runic songs of local peoples. The Kalevala epic became the basis of Finnish national culture. 

The Secret Paths of the Land of Kalevala Park is an interactive site where you can get acquainted with the main characters of the epic. At the entrance there are large stone boulders of various rocks: marble, granite, calcite and others. The boulders symbolize the gods from the epic Kalevala. 

Around the central platform with stone gods there are wooden sculptures of the main characters of the Epic Kalevala. Epic hero Kaleva was the ancestor of the Väinämäinen, Ilmarinen, and Lemminkäinen dynasties. The territory of the park is divided into two parts: the light side - Vainola, where Väinämäinen, the main hero of the epic, comes from, and the dark side - Pohjala, where the old woman Loukhi lives. 

The bright side is located at the foot of the windmill, which symbolizes Mount Sampo. There are many wooden figures, as well as a stone maze. There are quests for children here. 

You can only see Old Loukhi by climbing up to the windmill observation deck. The dark side is located on top of the rock dumps that have been dumped on the shore of Lake Svetloye for two centuries. Old Louhi sits on the highest rock.