
The churches of the Temple Complex in the Cowsheds are located on the right bank of the Kotorosl River, near the Arrow of Volga and Kotorosl. These churches and the bell tower are clearly visible from the high bank of the Volga Embankment, however, they are so beautiful that it is advisable to visit them and see them in close proximity. 

The Cowshed area got its name because since the 16th century its inhabitants have been breeding cattle to meet the needs of Yaroslavl, which was located on the opposite bank of the river. Since the 17th century, the development of layers of high-quality clay began here, which allowed the creation of pottery centers in the Cowsheds, which became famous in all the surrounding cities. At the beginning of the 19th century, 18 of the 19 ceramic factories in Yaroslavl were located in the Cowshed area. 

By the middle of the 17th century, the well-being of the residents of the Cowsheds area had reached a level that allowed them to build churches on the banks of the Volga, which were called "The Temple complex in the Cowsheds". It consists of two large churches, as well as a high bell tower, which stands separately and belongs to both churches.  

In the period from 1649 to 1654, the cold Church of St. John Chrysostom was built. In 1669, a warm church of the Candlemas of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was built nearby. In 1670, a high bell tower (37 meters) was built between the churches, which was called the "Yaroslavl Candle". Holy Gates have been built between the churches, through which you can enter the territory of the Temple Complex in the Cowsheds. 

The walls of the Church of St. John Chrysostom are covered with beautiful tiles, which were made by local potters. The Church of the Candlemas of the Vladimir Mother of God is more strict. Local potters paid more attention to the beautiful exterior decor of the church, as it could be seen by people from ships that sailed daily on the Volga. On the altar side of the Church of St. John Chrysostom, which faces the Volga, local craftsmen made a huge platband of five-color glaze.   

In 1992, the Temple Complex in the Cowsheds was transferred to the Old Believers community. During the Soviet years, there was a salt warehouse here, so some of the frescoes were lost. However, frescoes have been preserved on most of the walls, but they need restoration. Services of the Old Believer church are held in the churches, but tourists` access inside the churches is limited. 

A wide sandy beach is located near the walls of the Temple Complex in the Cowsheds. This is the main beach on the Volga, where residents of Yaroslavl swim. There is another large beach on the bank of the Kotorosl River, not far from the Transfiguration Monastery. Another small beach is located far to the north of the city, near the railway bridge. 

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