
On Poklonnaya Gora (Hill) in the Victory Park the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is located, which is also known as the Victory Museum. There you can see an extensive exposition devoted to all periods of the war, the Hall of Fame and six dioramas.

This museum was created in 1995. The Hall of Fame is under the huge dome in the center of the museum. The statue of the Warrior of Victory is in the center of the hall. And on its walls, on marble slabs, there were carved the names of 11 800 Heroes of the Soviet Union who received this title for military deeds.

Two large wings diverge from the Hall of Fame where you can see various expositions devoted to the war. You should visit the Hall of Commanders, the Hall of Memory and Sorrow, as well as the three-dimensional panorama «Battle of Berlin. The feat of the standard-bearers». It reconstructs the steps of the Reichstag where Soviet soldiers left their inscriptions. 

There are also 6 dioramas devoted to the main periods of the war: the counter offensive of the Soviet troops near Moscow, the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Forcing of the Dnieper and the Storm of Berlin.

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Hall of Fame under a huge dome in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill, on its wall the names of all the Heroes who received the title during the war
Sculpture of the Victorious Warrior in the hall of Fame of the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
The Dome of the Hall of Fame in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill
Names of Heroes of the Soviet Union who received titles during the war on the walls of the Hall of Fame in the Victory Museum in Moscow
Foyer of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic war, which is often called the Victory Museum, on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Alexander Nevsky`s sword behind black glass in front of the Hall of Fame at the Victory Museum in Moscow
Art exhibition the Battle of Berlin. Feat of flag bearers in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
The Victory Museum in Moscow recreates the steps of the Reichstag in Berlin, where Soviet soldiers left inscriptions
The Victory Museum in Moscow recreates the steps of the Reichstag in Berlin, where Soviet soldiers left inscriptions
Hall of Sorrow in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Diorama Counter offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Diorama the Siege of Leningrad at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Diorama the Siege of Leningrad at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
The battle of Kursk diorama at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Diorama Crossing the Dnieper at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Picture Parade on Red square on November 7, 1941 in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Exhibition German soldiers in Stalingrad at the victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Models of German tanks in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
Armament of the Soviet army in the 1930s at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow
One of the most famous military photos - the Commander raises the soldiers to attack - in the Victory Museum in Moscow
Photo of Soviet and American soldiers on a German city street in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya hill in Moscow