
The building of the old railway station of Yekaterinburg is on the left of the main railway station. There is located museum of Railway history of Yekaterinburg. It was built in 1878 by an architect Schreiber before the opening of the Ural mining railroad. 

The citizens were very proud of the railway station, which was built at the end of the 19 century, and when it became to small they decided not to demolish it but to build a new building a hundred meters from it in 1914. 

For a long time the old building was used as railway station for the military, but in 2003 it was completely reconstructed and granted to the Museum of Sverdlovsk Railway.

In front of the building you can see the sculptures of those you could easily met at a railway station such as hurrying passengers, a station master clanging a bell and trackmen. In the rooms of the museum you can see various expositions related to the history of the Ural and Perm railroads. At the very beginning you can see the first steam engine, which was designed by the Cherepanov brothers in Nizhny Tagil, as well as many models of the rolling stock of various periods, including the ones from quite recent past.