
The Square of Heroes in Mamayev Kurgan is just above the Square to Those who Fought to Death behind the Ruined Walls. In the center of the square there is a large pool symbolizing the Volga River. Sculpture groups are located to the right and left, and the Motherland Calls monument is towering over the pool.

On the right side there is a stone banner on which the words are inscribed: “The iron wind beat them in the face, and they all went forward, and again a sense of superstitious fear swept the enemy: are they humans who are going in the attack, are they mortal?”

On the right side there are six sculpture groups. One of them is a soldier supporting a seriously wounded soldier and both of them go in the attack. Another is a nurse pulling a wounded soldier out of a combat. And the third sculpture is a sea soldier or a sailor. It is known that sailors took an active part in the actions for the Mamayev Kurgan and in the defense of the Tractor Plant. Further on are the sculpture groups of commanders who even wounded would not leave the battlefield. And the last sculpture group is the Collapse of Fascism.

A breast wall of 10 meters high and 160 meters long is rising over the Square of Heroes. This wall is devoted to the "triumph of winners." There is a passage to the Hall of Military Glory in the wall.