The Bolshaya Tesma river is a major waterway of the Taganay park. It is a typical mountain river. It is crossed by the upper and lower paths. The water is very clean in the river. However, it is not advised to drink it.
The Bolshaya Tesma river takes its rise at the altitude of 750 meters in the taluses and the swampy woodlands at the western foothills of the Great Taganay. In the place where the river, skirting the Great Taganay, approaches the Big Stone river at the lower path it becomes quite suitable for summer bathing.
There you can find small pools surrounded by burdocks. But considering that the river originates from mountain springs, the temperature of its water never rises above 18 degrees even in the hottest months of the year.
Tourists often make a stop on the bank of the Bolshaya Tesma river near the Big Stone river after long trips. They like to have a dip in the cool water of the river after a bath. You can fish in the Bolshaya Tesma river. However, you will hardly catch any fish there. The Bolshaya Tesma river falls into two water reservoirs near Zlatoust. The reservoirs are outside the Taganay park.