In ancient Side there were three streets with colonnades (Colonnaded street), but only one of them survived to our days. The street led from the Northern Gate to the Agora where in ancient times there was one of the largest slave markets of the Roman Empire.
The main colonnaded street led from the Northern Gate to the amphitheater and ended at the monumental Arch of Vespasian. Now the street is paved with asphalt, and there remained almost no columns on its sides, but walking along it, you can see the ruins of houses. The largest colonnaded street, which was called Harbor Street, led from the Arch of Vespasian to the Temple of Apollo. To this day the street did not survive at all since it was built up with houses.
The only remaining colonnaded street begins at the Northern Gate and goes towards the Agora. Its length is 200 meters, with the width of 20 meters. There remained many columns on the street. The stone slabs of the pavement remained almost everywhere, and in some places you can even find antique mosaic.