
Komsomol Garden – one of the largest public parks in the city – is near the Square of the Fallen Fighters in the center of Volgograd. Komsomol members planted the area with trees in 1930. For this reason the garden was given this name.

Until the middle of the 19 century here, on the outskirts of the city, was the city cemetery, with the Skorbiashenskaya church in its center. Eventually, the cemetery was turned into a square, which was also called the Skorbiashenskaya square.

During the revolution the meetings of soldiers and workers took place on the square, as it was near the barracks. Then the Skorbiashenskaya square was renamed Pervomayskaya (May 1st), and after the Komsomol members planted it with trees it became the Komsomol Garden. 

Now there are several alleys bearing the name of «10th division of NKVD», where the monuments to the revolutionary Yakov Erman and the defender of Stalingrad general Glazkov were installed. Komsomol Garden borders on the bigger Children City Park, but you should not go there unless you want to have a walk on the green alleys. Otherwise, both the parks have no special historic value.